We are digital nerds
We do what we do based on passion for digital change and advances in technology, but with a firm foundation in metrics and financials.
We have our base in the tech savvy Nordic region and we believe the Nordic citizens deserve to be on the leading edge with access to a world class ecosystem of digital products and services. This for a more efficient life, for a more sustainable life as well as a more fulfilling life.
What we do
Nordic roll out
We make digital happen by helping international technology companies to reach the technology savvy 27 million strong Nordic population.
Scale up
We make digital happen by helping Nordic ventures to grow and to scale their operations.
Digital strategy
We make digital happen by helping established and already successful companies and brands to leverage digital and technology driven initiatives.
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Nordic facts
Over the past two decades, we at RECAPEX have been involved in establishing offerings in the Nordic region, often with technology playing a big part. We have been on all sides of the table, from representing the incumbent wanting to protect their home market, to investing in - or being - the entrepreneur challenging the established structure or working with the international technology player with ambitions in the Nordic region.
One of the best ways to learn is to look at others. People, brands, situations and events that can be translated to your own world. We have the privilege to have many different kinds of relations with many different kinds of champions. Some of them you can meet here, as well as a few thoughts from our side.